Homeschool Guitar Lessons
Is Your Child or Teen Asking for GUITAR LESSONS?
An Incredibly Easy Solution For Homeschool Guitar Lesson
If you’re like most homeschoolers, then you’re looking for the best value, easiest and most convenient option for music lessons.

Has your child or teen been asking for guitar lessons? You’ve got a lot on your plate… Loading all the kids in the car and driving to a yet ANOTHER activity, is probably not getting your kids any brownie points right now!
You’re here because you know the importance of a balanced education, and you DO want to give them the best opportunities. Music lessons is one way to ensure that kids get a great start in life.
So here’s some good news for you! You don’t have to go very far to get fun and professional guitar lessons. You can now get affordable premium private lessons right in your home! How?
Meet Ms. Hope, and her fun guitar lessons for kids!

Inga Hope, originally from New Zealand, is known in the global homeschool community as the “go-to” music expert for kids.
You might have heard of Inga and her company, Gentle Guitar™, on your favorite podcast or homeschool blog. Inga is the guitar teacher who is transforming the way that guitar and music are taught to kids.
What’s her secret? Inga and her team of highly specialised guitar teachers use SKYPE to teach guitar to kids online.
The reason that these innovative private lessons work so well, is because Inga has developed a unique methodology, and likes to involve the parent in the learning process. She wants to make sure that there’s always an adult in the room ready to help the child.
With these lessons, you and your child get to stay in the comfort of your home while a specialist guitar teacher works with the two of you via a live video call. It’s like having a catch-up with a long-distance relative!
These lessons work amazingly well and are super convenient for homeschool. Best part? You can try a lesson completely free. All you need is a child who’s eager to play guitar and a Skype account!

Here’s What Some of the Most Trusted Homeschoolers Are Saying:
The weekly lessons are 30 minutes long just like if you were to go to a local music studio or private teacher’s home.
It’s a 4-year guitar and music theory curriculum with seven levels. That means it’s comprehensive. The student will learn to read music and be able to apply that music knowledge in other areas of life. It helps when doing music appreciation to understand the dynamics and rhythm of any piece of music.
My first goal was to get him a guitar. I mean, you can’t learn an instrument without an instrument. So, I borrowed a guitar from a friend. This gives us a chance to try the lessons without the financial commitment of an instrument purchase.
I booked our free lesson online which was a super simple set up. Just click the Book A Free Trial Lesson button and select the time that works best for your family. You’ll enter your information and you’ll get an email confirmation with the date and time and instructions for connecting your Skype to the teacher.
When it’s time for your free lesson, login to Skype and wait for the teacher to connect with you. It’s that simple. The teacher will determine the student’s skill level and then begin their lesson.
It was so easy! I was so impressed with how Inga was able to relate to Jonathan. She made him feel at ease and was super encouraging. She gave him a quick introduction and had him playing a simple song by the end of the lesson.
I know you. You are a mom who wants to provide opportunities for you child. You see a pattern developing, a desire, maybe even an obsession — for music! But, how can you do it all? Maybe providing music lessons in your own home to make it a little easier for the already crazy busy schedule? But, how can you provide quality guitar lessons at home that are affordable? Where will you find a good teacher who is willing to travel there?
I’m happy to share with you that Gentle Guitar™ is one of the most effective types of music lessons I’ve ever reviewed. The lessons are live with a trained teacher over Skype. So, you can live ANYWHERE and have quality instruction for your kids, ages 6-16+.
With younger students, an adult needs to be with the child throughout the 30-minute lesson, so he or she can help the student with their 15 minutes of daily practice until the next lesson. What an awesome way to share music bonding with your kids and even learn to play the guitar yourself!
What Makes Gentle Guitar™ Unique?
The teachers are trained in a very specific type of music education methodology–one that I (as a music teacher of over 20 years) agree with! Music theory is taught from the very beginning. Young kids are taught musical notes and rhythms and even have workbook pages to do. They are not taught to read guitar tablature, but actual music notation. See how fun this looks!

Why Music Lessons for Young Kids?
Many parents delay introducing formal music instruction until the kids are teens. Not everyone knows that kids get the MOST benefits from learning music during their crucial years of development. That is between birth and age 10, while the brain is highly plastic. Take this opportunity (the free Gentle Guitar™ trial lesson) to find out what it’s like to learn a musical instrument with a professionally trained and specialized teacher.
Here’s What Other Homeschool Parents Are Saying:

Connor and his mom Tanya, from Botswana, South Africa
We live in Northern Botswana, surrounded by the Chobe National Park on the banks of the Chobe River. We had never planned to home school Connor so when it became evident that I was going to have to due to our remote location, I started exploring all my options to provide Connor with a complete education, which as well as academic studies would need to include sporting and other extracurricular activities.
When it came to music, I decided I would need a proper music teacher, after searching locally and in our neighboring countries of Zambia, Zimbabwe and Namibia, I decided to look online for options. I found Gentle Guitar™ while looking online for music lessons. I contacted Inga, tried the free first lesson and Connor and I were hooked.
Two years later, after the amazing initial groundwork laid by Inga, Connor is now on level 3 and his lessons are now taught by another Gentle Guitar™ teacher, Lance in Canada. Lane is incredibly patient, even when Connor needs to blurt out interesting things that have happened during the week. Lance’s knowledge is such that he has the ability to explain exactly where a certain finger should be or correcting strumming techniques in a manner in which Connor understands and responds to over Skype.
We now got 2 new guitars and I’m learning to play along with Connor to keep him company. His ability has surpassed mine by a huge margin. If there was ever any doubt if lessons via Skype are possible, watching Connor will most certainly show you that they are. It has been exciting for us to have access to world class guitar teachers whilst living in the African bush!
— Tanya (South Africa)

Raylan and his mom Amy, from Chicago, USA
We first found out about Gentle Guitar™ from The Homeschool Sisters Podcast, and have been taking lessons for 2 years. The price is comparable to other musical options in our area and we enjoy the benefit of one-on-one lessons within our own home during a time that fits best for our family schedule.
As a homeschool family, we enjoy the ability to have a lesson with a professional without having to get up and get all the kids out the door to make a lesson on time or have to feel like the house needs to be ready for a guest to visit for an in-home lesson.
My other children can be busy with their schoolwork or playing while guitar lessons are taking place.
Raylan and his dad enjoy playing guitar together and playing guitar has given Raylan confidence to preform in front of others. Raylan is teaching his dad a few notes which just solidifies his comprehension. His little brother started showing interest in playing a musical instrument, too!
Gentle Guitar™ has given Raylan the opportunity to interact with adults from different areas of the world that he would not have had otherwise at his young age. The instructors are timely, kind, encouraging and engage in conversations that allow for both instructor and child to get to know each other.
I truly believe you will not be disappointed if you gave Gentle Guitar™ a try!
— Amy H. (Chicago, USA)
Best Kids Guitar Method
The Gentle Guitar™ method is taught to hundreds of kids and teens around the world.
Over 1000+ lessons, 9 countries, 7 years of results!

“The instructors really get to know the child” — Erin (USA)

“A wonderful way to expose a child to music
in their own environment” — Nikki (New Zealand)
The Gentle Guitar™ method is hand-crafted to stimulates creativity and overall development.
The method adapts to each child’s individual learning level and abilities.

Learning Should Be Structured & Fun!
Many other schools and teachers don’t expect kids to study music properly until after the age of 8.
Therefore, most music lessons for young kids are unstructured and taught just for fun.
That’s a good start, but we do it better!
Professional Instruction From The Start
Gentle Guitar™ lessons are engaging and academic from the start.
Gentle Guitar™ lessons have both structure and fun build into the method.
Kids as young as 5 can begin professional guitar tuition with a private teacher.
A Child-Centered Approach To Learning
We believe that children should learn music theory and proper playing technique from the start.
We also believe that kids learn best in a nurturing environment that supports fun activities and educational games.

The Role of the Parent (Or Caregiver)
What’s new and revolutionary about Gentle Guitar™ is that we involve the parent in the learning process.
A 5-year-old does not yet have the work ethic to work independently.
Therefore, it’s crucial that the teacher and the parent work together to create a structured and nurturing learning environment.
The concept of learning along with your child, allows you to guide your child during the daily homework practices so that he or she does all the required work responsibly and correctly.
A Work Ethic For Life
Through the weekly lessons your child will learn to embrace challenges and achieve results.
This work ethic will give your child an advantage for life.
The personal skills that your child will develop during the lessons will serve him or her for many years to come.
The Crucial Formative Years
The younger a child starts learning to read and write music notes and play a musical instrument, the better!
Between birth and the age of 10 a child’s brain is highly plastic.
The Gentle Guitar™ method uses music as a toolbox to stimulate creativity and enhance brain development.
The Best Age To Start Guitar Lessons Is As Early as 5-6 Years Old!
The early formative years are the best time to learn a musical instrument.
Our method is designed to inspire the love of learning and to make playing an instrument fun and easy!
30min of Individualised Attention Every Week!
Your child will get individualised one-on-one attention and free access to our method books and songbooks.
The Gentle Guitar™ Skype Lessons for Kids work amazingly well because of our proven teaching tools and methodology.
And, because our teachers take the time to connect and inspire each individual child to do his or her very best.
Children feel proud to do the work and try hard to impress their teacher.
The best learning happens when the student has a great mentor to look up to!

Our private guitar lessons work amazingly well for very young beginners and are taught via Skype all over the world!
The Gentle Guitar™ teachers are specialists in kids and beginner guitar tuition.
Over 1000+ lessons, 9 countries, 7 years of results!
Gentle Guitar™ Is More Than A Music School
We Are Role-Models And Mentors
Gentle Guitar™ teachers are professional musicians and trained guitar educators.
We work with a unique age-appropriate teaching method and coach each child at their individual level.
With a gentle approach and plenty of patience, we inspire children to get excited about learning!
We go out of our way to be excellent role models for kids and teens of all ages.
We are a small international team, bringing quality music tuition to students all over the world!